Ashley McBryde Stone

1 minute, 3 seconds Read

One of the songs that had my emotions on a roller coaster was the heart wrenching Stone. The song starts with just Ashley and a single guitar. The soft melody and gentle frailty in her voice brings the emphasis on the words being sung. They draw you into the song.

A song written from personal experiences and the emotions that resonate through each word. Ashely is talking about her brother, Clay, who passed in 2018 and the realization of how much they are alike now that he’s gone.

It’s evident in the lyrics: “I’m just now findin’ now that you’re gone, And we were cut from the same stone,” and “Yeah, there’s a lot of things that should be written in one, Your name ain’t one of ’em.”

When someone passes, we find ourselves reminiscing and we realize how much alike we may be and the times shared that bond us as humans.

One thing in this song that caught my attention was about half was through the percussion of the drums began in a military cadence. A great tribute to Clay and all the brave men and women who make sacrifices serving in the US armed forces.

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