‘On Christmas’ is written by Raihanna Estrada and embarks on her childhood memories and struggles she encounters each holiday due to the loss of her parents. The lyrics dive into the past to tell tales of her mother’s hand writing being like Santa’s and every year her gifts were wrapped in the same paper.
It’s a heart-warming song with a melancholy undertone in the sadness of losing her parents which shines through with each chorus. You can feel the same heartache for a family member you miss during the holidays.
Raihanna has really shown her vulnerability in this song and is something that can be very difficult to do. The video is made up of home movies and memories she cherishes. Be sure to check out the video below. The song is one that everyone can relate to, and I hope when you listen to ‘On Christmas’ that you smile from the joyous memories of loved ones who have passed.
Check out the song on Rihanna’s Website https://www.raihannaestrada.com and download it to your Christmas collection from Amazon