Demi Michelle is an amazingly talented up-and-coming songwriter and artist with heartfelt, charismatic, and authentic music. She connects through her storytelling capabilities and takes you on a journey into experiences and moments that have shaped the person she is today. Releasing her sophomore EP ‘It Is What It Is,’ Demi depicts key aspects that she hopes to inspire others to live happier and healthier lifestyles. The first facet includes setting boundaries and knowing your self-worth and feeling empowered. The second is that many things are out of our control and we have to accept that “it is what it is.”
Demi says, “At the end of the day, the only thing I can control is my own mindset, how I act and react. The rest is out of my reach. Through making changes where I can and finding ways to accept some harsh realities for what they are, I’ve become a stronger person and found myself in a better place.”
‘You Get What You Give’ became the foundation of this EP and is the lead single. With its Karama representation, this song
No one wants to be secondary or a last-minute option for anyone. That is the key behind ‘Afterthought.’ It’s clear in this song with a self-empowering message, that no one should ever settle to be someone’s other option or of little importance to a friend or love interest.
‘Halfway Outta This Town,’ embodies self-respect by leaving a toxic relationship be it a love interest or friendship. Halfway Outta This Town is a clear indication that its too late to turn around as leaving town physically or metaphorically sets the boundaries to leaving the toxicity behind for good.
In, ‘I Hope You Know You’re Lucky,’ Demi takes on a journey of lost love. A special someone who we thought was going to be our everything and it turns out they have moved on. Its like writing a letter to the future person we used to be who is receiving his or her affection and heart. Remembering how it feels to be the center of attention and affection, ‘I Hope You Know You’re Lucky’ becomes reminiscent of those feelings and wishes the best for them.
To round out the EP, ‘Follow My Compass’ isn’t as much a physical journey as it’s more metaphorical for finding your own direction and clearly steering toward your own destination of self.
Go get Demi Michelle’s new EP “It Is What It Is”

1. Afterthought
2. Halfway Outta This Town
3. You Get What You Give
4. I Hope You Know You’re Lucky
5. Follow My Compass