Brandi Vezina continues to dive into the realm of Outlaw Country with her newest single, ‘Dodged A Bullet.’
We all associate country music with family affairs with old-fashioned values and Brandi has made this with love and her family beside her. Marcella (Brandi’s granny) is singing on this single and if you did know she has released numerous singles’ so being in the studio was nothing new.
In Brandi’s words, “It was important to have my Granny on this track because her prayers helped me get out of a bad situation.
The title of the track gives away what the song is about. We have all ‘Dodged a Bullet’ when it comes to relationships, or staying away from someone we know is bad even when they are contacting us while being with their partner. I love the way she describes potential love as looking down the barrel of a gun.

Make sure you download this single here – https://brandivezina.hearnow.com/dodged-a-bullet