Reba McEntire – Starting Over Again (1995)

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The song Starting Over Again is the reason why Paula loves Reba. “It was the first every song I heard her sing and I fell in love with her voice, her attitude on stage, and how she made me feel.” The song is about divorce later in life and how the two people with involved spends their time. The wife “sits at home sortin out pieces, Of left over memories from thirty odd years” while the husband “He’s out schemin’ big deals with one of his friends.” I think lyrics within this song are very powerful and they really tell a story about true heart ache and how hard it is facing life alone in your golden years. It also touches the subject about living in a small town and the rumors that spread quickly.

The album was released October 3, 1995 as a tribute to her influences like Dolly Parton, Donna Summer, Linda Ronstadt, and Patti LaBelle to name a few.

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