Artist Spotlight with Zelena Hull

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How would you describe your sound to a first-time listener?

A lot of my songs are country rock with a gritty edge, but I’m continually expanding my sound. I love to experiment and figure out different sounds I can make with my voice. Many of my works are inspired by true stories and other people’s experiences. I try to cover a wide variety of subject matter in my songs. 

If you could only point a listener to one of your songs, which would it be?

I Believe is the second song I ever came out with, but I genially think it’s a great song to get to know me by. Inspired by history, I Believe is about the world war 1 soccer game between the British and Germans. It is somber, dark, and yet hopeful. Even with all the suffering, both sides went through they could lay down their weapons in the spirit of giving. In any bad situation, there is always a silver lining. Imagine how beautiful this world could be if the powers that be could allow us to embrace our humanity. This song has a haunting atmosphere and pumps it into high gear with the addition of a clear and crisp acoustic guitar. Silent night can be distantly heard in the background. This song carries a sense of strength and fragility. 

How long have you been making music?

I have been creating since  2012, so it’s been about 10 years. 

What first inspired you to pursue music?

There were many people in my life that convinced me to pursue music. It included my mother, various family members, and friends. 

What do you want your listeners to get out of your music?

Music is a part of all of our lives. It’s amazing to think that your song can be played during some of the most important events in someone’s history. I love that I can contribute to someone’s happiness with music.

What are you currently working on?

I am coming out with a single every Friday. My intention is to break the world record for the most consecutively released singles. I want use this as a way to raise awareness for indie artists and autism (since I am autistic). 

Give us some musical heroes in your life… 

Since I was Autistic I created a lot of my music in a bubble. I couldn’t listen to music until I was 8, before then I would cry because of my hearing sensitivities. My mother and Dan Caston (my mentor) had the most impact on my musical journey.

Where do you find inspiration as a songwriter? 

I usually look at events or experiences in other people’s lives as inspiration.

We have to know all about your latest single

I am releasing a single every week, so it’s a revolving door of releases. These releases (single of the week) were all recorded and written by me. I went through a huge learning process while creating all of these songs. As I am writing this I just came out with “Vampire”. This song is about someone watching their best friend slowly go down a spiral of destruction because they can’t let go of their boyfriend. Some of my other releases cover stories “Voodoo” for example is about a woman escaping her abusive husband using magic, however, her plan goes off the rails when the cops are called. I like to be creative in the premises I use for my material. 🙂 I really hope you enjoy the wonderful and wacky world of a single of the week. 










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